As many businesses are aware the CRA took significant steps to help cut the CRA red tape for business. This is a plan that is supposed to take two years to get into full action. In order for the CRA to devise a red tape reduction plan they relied on the feedback from small to medium businesses. This took place during 2014 and included feedback from business entities such as bookkeepers and accountants that were located in various parts of the country. This feedback was given through various mediums such as online, writing and in some cases in person. The main focus was to relieve the administrative pressure that the CRA dealings place on the average business.
The plan to do this revolves around making it easier for businesses to use the CRA telephone services. This means being able to get through to them without having to wait on hold for long periods of time. It also includes being able to rely on the information provided by the agent taking the call as being reliable and accurate.
The next focus is on making information that the CRA extends to businesses to be done in such a way that it is easy to decipher.
The CRA has discovered that it needs to provide more assistance to start up businesses regarding getting on the right track with their tax matters right from the beginning.
The CRA has been told it needs to have more online services and tools available.
Another key issues is when it comes to the audit process that businesses need to know what will take place through the audits and when it will take place.
The majority of feed back focused around these areas. Now the CRA has released their 2015-2017 red tape reduction action plan highlights.
It would seem that in regards to telephone service improvements the CRA has made it easier and faster to connect to an agent. The CRA will implement smart links so a business person can contact an agent through the CRA website to help with easier navigation throughout the website. Also agents must now give their ID so they can be identified. Also the telephone agents can now transfer a credit with the business account.
The telephone services of the CRA was just one of the contentions amongst business owners. Most of the problems seem to stem around the lack of communication and incomplete or inaccurate information. Most would agree that the steps that the CRA are taking are the right ones. The problem may be however, if there is a change in government because of the upcoming election. If a new government takes control what is going to happen to the red tape program?