How the Coronavirus Could Affect the Canadian Economy
The coronavirus could have an impact on the Canadian economy but to what extent remains to be seen.
The coronavirus could have an impact on the Canadian economy but to what extent remains to be seen.
Whenever the economy is bad and people have to start tightening their belts they automatically become a little more money savvy. This is when they start taking a closer look at the budget and begin to keep an eye on the credit card spending. It is also a time when they start to take a…
Amid growing concerns about the global economy there are also some concerns about the seeming Jekyll and Hyde economy of Canada. At first we are experiencing growth and then predictions change or are down-graded or changed altogether making keeping track of what is really going on less easy to figure out. The recent decision by…
If you’ve been following the news in Ontario lately you may be a little shocked to find out what some of the doctors have been billing the health insurance plan. The statistics show that over 500 doctors billed 1 million each and even one even hit $6.6 million . We really have to…
It used to be when we listened to the news we would pay attention to the latest happenings for our area and the weather. Now more of us are beginning to pay attention to the business news. A prime example of this is the latest closing of the Target stores. When we hear of sudden…
We always hear a lot about the state of the economy but tend to only worry about it when it affects us directly. We are amazing creatures that tend to adapt to change well, and this is often the case with our way of living. We may find that financial times are tough but…