If one were to take a close look at what is currently happening in the US where the country appears to be now going to be run from a business standpoint rather than a political one, would Canada be following in suit if Mr. O’Leary were to work his way up to becoming Prime Minister?
Some may say they are two different human beings but at the same time a lot would say that there are a lot of similarities between the two. They are both very rich, they are both successful businessmen, and they both are very outspoken to the point of being belligerent, disrespectful and down right harsh at times.
While some may say this is a refreshing change from the charismatic soft spoken politician who says one thing and does another, is it a good change?
It is easy as members of the public to sit back and watch businessmen such as this take a run at other people and hold nothing back with their harsh comments. That is as long as you don’t fit into the category being targeted.
When one sees a prominent figure like Mr. O’Leary call more that one individual a cockroach, is this a presentation of what this man thinks of people in general that don’t conform to his way of thinking? Would he consider those who are unemployed to be cockroaches? Or those with disabilities? Or seniors who no longer can contribute money to the country? After all, Mr. O’Leary has made it very clear that the most important thing in life is “money”.
There is no doubt that the average Canadian is sick and tired of the way the government has conducted itself over the last several years, but is the public ready to put themselves into a similar position like the US citizens have? Are we ready for such a big shift in our expectations of those who are to be in powerful positons within our country?
It seems like the biggest dilemma is we are not able to find appropriate candidates that have the favorable attributes of what a politician may have along with the same of those who are successful businessmen. This doesn’t leave us much choice, and if Mr. O’Leary intends on entering the world of politics which seems very likely then we really are going to mirror what has just taken place in the States.
Now it will be an even bigger decision when it comes to the future of who we are going to place into office. One good thing that could possibly arise from this is that we will at least get to see what happens in the US once Mr. Trump takes office, as it could be a forecast of things to come for Canada.