For those that keep up with the news you may have read a few articles about some interest in seeing a basic income program implemented for Canadians. While there are systems in place to help those that are in financial need that can qualify such as welfare or as it usually called social assistance, it is a far cry from being able to bring those that are in need of it out of the poverty level.
It is actually in the health care society that is raising the most concerns over the poor financial status of many families. The reason they are doing so is because there are so many other factors that affect an individual’s health besides illnesses from bacteria and diseases and other causes. They are indicating that things such as income education housing having a job and enough food on the table can be a much greater impact towards an individual’s health. Many believe that not having enough money to go around plays havoc on the health of many different individuals. Some are saying that Canadians that are subject to low income have a more likelihood to die earlier and be ill than those that are in the high income brackets. This does not relate to an individual’s age sex or where they live.
The concept of the basic income program that is being suggested would simply mean topping up a family’s income once it dropped below a specific level that was determined to place them into a poverty level. This would be determined according to their tax return.
No doubt to there are going to be plenty that are against this as they will jump to the assumption that it will be abused. It is something that should be given a close look however, when you consider the cost of healthcare, and the many diseases that individuals suffer with as well as other health conditions such as depression, and the cost it is under the health care system to create the proper care for this. If many of these are related to the financial situation of the individual then having a basic income program would certainly be a cost-effective way of handling many dire situations.
While this is just becoming a topic of conversation undoubtedly we would be looking at several years before this could even potentially be a possibility. With the way that our government works it would take many years of debate and planning and going back and forth before it could even become a pilot program.
It will be interesting to see however with this being a election-year if any of the political candidates will address this concept of this type of program.