We all know that we can complain all we want about our Government and for the most part it isn’t going to do any good except maybe when it’s close to election time. Then we may hear a ripple of conversation and campaign promises that seem to address our concerns. Usually it gets left on the politician’s platform once the election is passed.
We vote at the Federal level, the Provincial level and the Municipal level. Surely somewhere amongst all this voting there is a reachable individual that doesn’t go beyond our scope one election night is over.
Actually there is an individual that you should be able to address with your concerns, and yet many of us don’t seem to do this, or we forget about them.
This is our Member of Parliament. This is your spokesperson that you voted in to represent the area in which you live in. It’s in your riding.
So what kind of assistance can they provide you with? Do they have enough time to listen to your concerns as an individual tax payer?
Yes, they do have time or should have because that’s their job to represent you.
They actually assist with many different issues. If you happen to a have a good quality dedicated MP then you have a very valuable resource available to you.
Some of the issues they can help you deal with are…
Immigration statuses
Issues regarding your government pensions
They can also assist you with questions or concerns you may have with the CRA.
In most cases when you are seeking out assistance with other Government agencies you need to give your MP and their staff permission to obtain information so they can assist you.
Any department of the government is usually quite complex and it can be really difficult to navigate around their administrative functions. By building a good relationship with your MP they can greatly assist you with this. That doesn’t mean that you don’t make your own attempts at solving the issues you are having with the Federal department. It just means that if you have hit a brick wall then you have a resource that you can rely on.