As we all know we are in the midst of an election and all of the politicians are going strong with their campaigns. Noted recently is that there seems to be a lot of “King” dubbing going on. Now of course the main leader of our country holds the office of Prime Minister, and does not come for royalty, so the term king is not used in the literal sense, and has been perhaps used more in the context of mud slinging.
The big buzz word for this week is the deficit. The Harper government is blowing their horn about the monthly fiscal report that indicated a $5-billion surplus for the months of April to June of this year. Wow! that’s a lot of money but unfortunately it cannot all be attributed to the Harper governments fine budgeting. It seems that almost 40% of this gain came as result of the government’s share of the General Motors shares that took place in April.
Of course the opposition is not about to give the Harper government a pat on the back, and Paul Martin the former Prime Minister dubbed Harper as the “the king of deficits.” Not to be outdone with this cliché , Martin retorted with depicting Mr. Martin as the “The King of Austerity.”
No matter what the titles are whether they be factual or fiction it is the general public that are the followers in this wonderful land. So when we see figures that take our country out of the red into the black then we should assume that the future looks bright and sunny for us right? This is no doubt the type of perception the Harper government is hoping we will adopt.
This sort of carry on and the complexity of politics is the main reason most private individuals simply do not want to become more active in the political field. Perhaps it contributes to why it can be so difficult to get individuals out to the voting stations when the time comes.
The best steps the private individual can do is focus on what matters to them most according to their lifestyle they try to filter out all the hype that comes with the campaigning and base on decision on which political party is going to offer the best for the particular individual.
Trying to determine one political party that is going to meet all of the needs of all of the people just isn’t going to happen. Unfortunately it comes down to every man for himself as to what agenda is going to best suit them and their family for now and the future of the party that ends up in office.