Once spring hits and March break is over a lot of students start giving some serious thought to how they are going to generate some income during the summer break. Many students have the burden of paying for their education. They need good and steady summer employment to help with this. Unfortunately part time student summer jobs are at a premium and are not easy to find.
One possible solution for you as a student is to think about starting your very own part time student summer business. It may not be as hard as you think, and besides generating some extra money, if will give you some great business experience.
The Government offers a good number of programs to assist youth not only in getting their own summer business going, but in providing paid employment combined with training. This is only available in some communities and for the age group 15 to 18 in the Jobs for Youth Program.
For starting your own business you want to look into Summer Company. This is an opportunity get some real experience through hands on training. You will also receive some valuable mentoring and may be eligible for a $3,000. Start-up funding to help get you started. This is available for students between the ages of 15 to 29, and are going to be going back to school in the fall.
Perhaps the idea of having your own summer business appeals to you but you are quite sure what you could offer, or where to start.
First thing you need to do is come up with an idea. If you have some type of artistic talent you may be able to capitalize on that. Perhaps you are a painter, and have been told that you are pretty good at it. You may want to find out if there are any local open summer markets in your area and consider selling your paintings there. The same could apply if you are a crafts person.
If you don’t have any artistic talents to rely on then give some thought as to what you feel you are good at. Maybe you are good with kids, or even the seniors. Think about what kind of services you could offer here. Is it possible you could run a small version of a day camp for the kids in your neighborhood for a small fee? Or are there seniors in your area that you could set up messenger services for? Like grocery shopping for them, or running other errands. Or if they are handicapped in any way maybe you could provide outings for them like chaperoned walks or visits to the park.
You just really need to think really hard as to what you would really enjoy doing. Then you need to determine if there could be a demand for this.
Just remember that once you are earning money then you need to keep proper records so you can meet your tax responsibilities properly.