If there is a language barrier that newcomers have to deal with it can be really perplexing trying to learn the Canadian laws in any category but the Canada tax laws are even complex for those Torontonians who have lived here all the life. It is easy to accept that new residents of Toronto would be over whelmed. A Toronto accountant who also specializes in taxes is the ideal resource to rely on for help.
These professionals are well trained in helping the new resident make the necessary financial adjustments in respect to their tax obligations. While the CRA does provide plenty of information for those that are new to Canada, it often needs clarification.
Immigrants first discover that their first tax year is going to be different than the following years. There are some that are not new to Canada but are re-establishing their residency here in this great country, and their first year tax obligations will be different to what they were during their first stay as a residence. One of the biggest areas of concern and often confusion is regarding the value of properties or acquisitions. This alone poses a good reason for relying on the services of a Toronto accountant.
It is far better to get started on the right foot when it comes to your taxes as a newcomer to Canada and Toronto by seeking out the right resources to help you. It will certainly make your tax obligations in the future much easier to handle.
I look forward to assisting newcomers to Toronto with their tax matters. I am well aware of how overwhelming it can be when trying to adjust to a new environment and stay compliant with the tax laws. I welcome you to contact me so I can guide you in your tax and financial related matters as a newcomer.